Venture Investing Funds
DT Unicorn Fund provides #investment opportunities in Private Markets for individual accredited investors with a $100,000 minimum. (Direct Asset SPVs may have $1,000,000 minimum)
Tier 1 VC Seed Fund
Invest in a blended fund of Seed, Pre-Seed, and Series A deals from Tier 1 VCs.
Early Stage Direct Fund
Directly invests in Early Stage companies via Reg D and Reg CF offers.
SPV Funds
Direct co-investments in private companies, late stage.
These are some of the companies in our Portfolio. For safety and security not all Portfolio companies are listed here. For additional companies see this page: Portfolio
Our Team
DT Unicorn Fund has strong bench strength. For confidentiality reasons not all team members appear here, but these are the starters.

Joseph Gelet Sr.
General Partner

Liudmila Gelet
Office Manager

Stephen Utley
General Partner

Francis Colt DeWolf III

David James
Recruiting / HR Manager

Jake Vale

Our Approach
DT Unicorn Fund invests in Disruptive Technology that can change the way we live for the better; Paradigm Shift technologies and systems that can revolutionize the underlying industry. We are a strategic investor that brings years of technology and business expertise as well, working with companies to achieve their goals and more. This puts us in Blue Oceans of new markets that didn’t exist before, such as AirBNB, Apple Computer, Palantir, and more. (We didn’t invest in Apple but we did invest in Palantir and AirBNB). We have been investing since 2017 as a fund since 2019 in a small group of select names that we discover through our research and through market analysis. Our analytical approach is Global Macro Fundamental, looking at the Microcosm of the company vs. the Macrocosm of the Global market on a long term time horizon (100 years).
Securities offered through R. F. Lafferty & Co., Inc.